In order to start the problem solving the establishment of a diagnosis is important. A consultation with a history and clinical examination are required. Sometimes, laboratory techniques need to be performed and cooperation with other doctors may be advisable.
Complete and thorough information is given and the diagnosis then opens the door to the management of the condition, giving the options and taking into account the wish of the patient.
Treatments need to be tailored to the patient’s needs and wishes. They include treatments for common skin problems end STDs which can be in the form of creams, tablets or procedures. The same applies when managing aesthetic issues.
Treatments need to be performed in a competent and timely manner and this is why management can sometimes be coordinated with other health professionals.
Consultations are provided in English and aim to serve those not familiar with the local French speaking environment.
Consultations in French and German are also available.
Recommendations are available for those located outside of Switzerland. (Teledermatology)