- Cryotherapy is a mostly destructive method and therefore biopsies tend to be less reliable but it does act through other mechanisms:
- direct injury:
- location: center of the lesion
- when: acts when the lesion is frozen
- vascular injury:
- location: periphery of the lesion
- when: acts upon thawing (reheating) of the lesion
- apoptosis:
- location: periphery of the lesion
- when: acts up to 8 hours after rewarming
- immunological:
- location: whole body
- when: late event
- vascular injury:
- direct injury:
Source of information: 2014 (03) – Pasquali P, new approaches to cryosurgery. 72nd AAD (American Academy of Dermatology) Annual Meeting (Denver, CO, United States of America)
Original article: here