- Up to 100 million individuals may be infected by the dengue virus each year. The virus is transmitted through arthropod bites (usually mosquitos). Population increase makes control of mosquito population difficult as breeding sites (stagnant waters) are more numerous and less detectable (roofs…).
- Infection ranges from asymptomatic infection to dengue fever with/without hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome. Many symptoms in addition to extreme tiredness are present and laboratory tests show typical findings. Management requires inpatient care.
- On the skin, an exanthem can appear (50-82% of patients) and consists of:
- in the first 12 hours: vesicles may appear on the mucosal surfaces (enanthem).
- in the first 24 to 48 hours: flushing erythema of the face neck and chest
- 3-5 days: generalized morbilliform eruption with petechiae with areas free of lesions
Dengue fever. Heymann WR. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2009 Feb;60(2):306-7. Review.
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