- Acne excoriee (AE) is a psychodermatosis which typically affects young women.
- It is a self-inflicted dermatosis which is admitted by the patients
- The patients pick on imagined papules and on physical examination, none of the elementary lesions of acne (comedones) are present.
- 2 types of psychological mechanisms explain the picking:
- habitual picking
- emotional picking
- Treatment is mainly behavioural as medication (for acne or for the psychological distress) are notoriously ineffective.
- A more effective treatment is through a psychological/ therapy: Habit Reversal therapy and/or Relaxation. Habit reversal therapy (HrT) reduces scratching in eczema patients and can be helpful in patients with AE with habitual picking
- 1. psychorelaxation of mind and education of unconscious habits
- 2. building awareness by counting number of picks per day
- 3. educating new strategies
- clenching fists
- distraction techniques (keeping hands busy, stress ball). Designing strategies to cope with acute stress situations
- motivational
- psychoeducation: emotional picking, triggers and reaction to stress
- learning relaxation techniques: controlling heart rates by breathing techniques
- doing it initially 2-5 minutes a day then using 30 minutes when stressed
- learning to accept stressful thoughts (not suppressing them), but simply learning the body to live with it stress-free
- build self-confidence.
- Stress is a cause of emotional picking
- In this retrospective study from the UK:
- done on 3 patients presenting to a clinical psychology section of a psychodermatology service were enrolled
- the mean age was 30 years
- 8 sessions of HrT
- Results
- medical treatment was unsuccessful
- but learning to focus on the advantages of enhancing appearance was (positive-attitude)
- HrT:
- Enabled reduction in picking and hence increased appearance resulted in reduction of:
- anxiety scores
- depression scores
- …and increased quality of life.
- Enabled reduction in picking and hence increased appearance resulted in reduction of:
- Acne excoriee is challenging to treat
- Work with a psychologist to assess and treat habitual and emotional picking.
Source of information: 2014 (03) – Di Nardo A., A psychological intervention with people with acne excoriee: a case series. 72nd AAD (American Academy of Dermatology) Annual Meeting (Denver, CO, United States of America)
Source of information: here