Dermal needle treatment in acne scars (poster)
Ertam I et al.
AAD 2015 Annual Meeting, San Francisco CA – United States
- Acne scars are the long-term visible sequelae of more or less severe active acne.
- The demand for its treatment is in our experience is quite high and reaches 20% of those who had treatment for active acne…even though its treatment is considered cosmetic and is therefore not covered by medical insurance.
- Treatment options include topicals (adapelene), chemical peels, lasers (fractionated and ablative), dermabrasion, subcision…and many more
- Dermal needle technique consists of small needles fixed on a sterile roller (dermaroller) to puncture the skin.
- Needles are 1,5 to 2mm in thickness and traumatize the dermis.
- The resulting microbruising, induces wound healing t¥which ends up in the production of collagen – and therefore act as “fillers” to the lost volume
- Author recommendations:
- Results are seen 6 weeks-3 months after the treatment
- 3 to 5 treatments are recommended spaced each by 4 weeks.
- inclusion of 10 patients (5male and 5 female) (19-48 years old, mean age 31 for females and 26 for males)
- 3 needling treatments each spaced by 4 weeks
- treated scars were generally boxcar and ice-pick scars
- photographs were done before and after treatments
- Patients reported a 60% improvement in overall scar appearance
- No single treatment is simple and definitive and dermal microneedling is actually another treatment option.
- The full result may take 8-12 months to be optimal, and this corresponds to the maturation of scars of the wound healing process.
Source of information: here