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Excessive Sweating and Smell under the Armpits Treated Successfully (Bromhidrosis)

Take Home Message: Liposuction after tumescent local anesthesia can be used to treat Bromhidrosis (smelly armpits) (Case Study from Indonesia)

-Hyperhidrosis and Bromhidrosis have yet to find an effective treatment which combines effectiveness over the long term and safety. Indeed topical treatments, Botulinium Toxin injections and invasive surgical methods all fail to suit these principles.
-This study is a case report; the technique is decribed in detail in the Abstract
-A similar method has been used to treat hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). Click Here to read more.

Background: Bromhidrosis axillary is a clinical disorder characterized by excessive or abnormal underarm odor due to the decomposition products of apocrine glands by normal flora bacteria. Invasif treatment include conventional surgery, combination of CO2 laser surgery and removal of subcutaneous tissue, tumescent liposuction and upper thoracic sympathectomy. Patients feel embarrassed with her excessive sweat and odor. Patients had been used deodorant and antiperspirant but there is no improvement.
Case: A case of bromhidrosis axillary in 30-year-old woman given therapy with liposuction under surgical tumescent anesthesia technique on the right and left underarm. At first performed antiseptic with povidone iodine and 70% alcohol. Local anesthesia with Lidocain® 2% at the incision point. Creating incision point with blade no. 15. Delivering tumescent anesthesia (Lilis’ formula) using infiltrating cannula (Tulip Co) until skin bulged (75 cc solution each sides). After 20 minutes, surgery was performed. Using the blunt-ended “Cassio Villaca Currett Cannula” we aggressively & repeatedly curetted the entire subcutis into a very superficial plane, until the axillary skin thinned. The incision points applied with antibiotic ointment, pressure with thick, absorbent gauze on the axillary’s folds will suffice post-operatively.
Discussion: Liposuction under surgical tumescent anesthesia technique has been done on this patient and give an excellent result. Three days after postoperative there were decreased of sweat and odor on both under arm. Liposuction under surgical tumescent anesthesia technique is a method with a simple and safe procedure.

Reference: Regional Congress of Dermatology (RCD) 2016 – Singapore. RCD16-0110 Cosmetic Injections BROMHYDROSIS AXILLARY WITH LIPOSUCTION UNDER SURGICAL TUMESCENT ANESTHESIA TECHNIQUE E. Asri1, S. Lestari1, M. Sari1, P. Kampar1 1Andalas University/dr. M. Djamil Hospital, Dermatology and Venereology, Padang, Indonesia