- George Herbert Walker Bush (b.1924), a Republican, served two terms under President of the United States.
- Once playing a round of golf in Summer 2002, he has caught on photograph with the following lesions.
- In fact, the lesions are precancerous growths called actinic keratoses. 5-fluorouracil (known as Efudex in the United States) is one treatment that is applied 5 times a week for a short duration. It causes inflammation which can explain the appearance.
- Another treatment that was used for these keratoses is cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen. (which he had in 2001)
To read more about actinic keratosis: CLICK HERE
To read more about this visit Skinema.com: CLICK HERE (See bottom of the page)
The same problem might have also happened to his son George Walker Bush (picture below): CLICK HERE
www.skinema.com (with permission)
image from wikipedia
Source of information: here