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Health Problems in Psoriasis (Comorbidities)

-In the US comorbidities in Psoriasis cost 4920 USD per patient per year. For the whole US psoriasis population, this amounts to 36.4 billion USD
-This represents up to a third of psoriasis health cost (27-33%)

Health problems associated with Psoriasis.
-It is known that psoriasis is associated with metabolic syndrome (cardiometabolic disease).


Below are the associated conditions (in CAPITAL LETTERS with a few associated facts):

-CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE/INCREASED MORTALITY link to Psoriasis and Cardiovascular Problems: HERE.

  • In addition to this let’s add that dermatologists need to do the screening as Primary Care Physicians (PCP, GP) and Cardiologists don’t do the screening in psoriasis patients




  • Is reaching epidemic proportions in the United States.
  • Indeed a third of the population has a Body Mass Index over 30 (30 and higher fits the definition of Obesity)
  • The National average is 27.5 (a BMI between 25 and 30 fits the definition of “overweight”)
  • Reminder BMI is calculated by dividing the weight (in Kg) / height x height (in meters)




  • 40 to 60% of psoriasis patients develop erosive arthropathy
  • early diagnosis is critical and because of delayed diagnosis, 50% develop irreversible joint damage





  • There is a 4 fold increased risk ok keratinocyte carcinoma (KC, previously called NMSC). KC=Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) and Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC)
  • There is a 3 fold increased risk of lymphoma in mild psoriasis. The relative risk increases to 8 if psoriasis is severe.




  • NAFLDS affects 30% of the US population. In 3-10% of cases this develops into non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH): this leads to cirrhosis and liver failure, inflammation, scarring
  • Psoriasis patients are more at risk for NASH and have a higher incidence of NAFLD than controls (47% vs 28%)




  • Depression
    • Compared to Controls Psoriasis patients have a 1.39 fold relative risk
    • In severe psoriasis, this rises to 1.72
    • When severe depression is present in psoriasis there is a 2-fold increased odds of Cardiovascular events. 16.5% of depressed psoriasis patients have Cardiovascular problems (prevalence)
    • 3 theories explaining depression:
      • Cytokines activate the H-­‐P-­‐A system ((Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis)). This leads to excess cortisol levels
      • Cytokines stimulate serotonin uptake by activating neuronal serotonin transporters, leads to decreased serotonin
      • Cytokines stimulate indoleamine2,3-­‐dioxygenase, leads to tryptophan depletion
  • For anxiety and Suicide the relative risk is 1.31 and 1.44 respectively










U003 – Comorbidities in Psoriasis: What a Dermatologist Needs to Know. AAD 2016 – Washington DC, United States USA