Laser Surgery
- Laser stands for “Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation”.
- Because they work by converting electrical energy into a parallel beam of intense bright light, lasers can cut, seal or vaporize tissue and blood vessels. The laser’s advantages come from its ability to produce a specific and powerful wavelength of light with a wide variety of intensities. This pure beam of light is utilized by directing it at a tissue, which absorbs the light. For light energy to be absorbed, it is necessary to have some absorbing molecule in the tissue. In the field of skin surgery, there are several types of laser systems currently available for important clinical applications.
- However, no single laser is capable of treating all skin conditions. Rather, the type of laser used determines the kind of light emitted from it, and the kind of light, in turn, determines what skin problems can be treated. Following is an overview of lasers most commonly used and their applications.
What are the Benefits of Laser Technology?
- The use of laser can offer the following general benefits:
- Reduces the risk of infection.
- Makes surgery virtually “bloodless”
- Enables precision therapy – fine, clean and delicate cuts.
- Replaces surgery in many cases.
- Minimizes scarring by not damaging surrounding tissue.
- Permits outpatient, same day surgery for many procedures.
Source of information: here