- The greek word from which this term comes from is :λειχην = leichen = lichen (dartrous)
- This denomination was given following botanics, to describe dermatoses defined by a gathering of papules or elevated lesions (plaques) which resemble lichen (or dartrous-like)
- On the famous tree of dermatoses by Alibert in 1828, dartrous (lichen-like) dermatosis figure on the 4th branch to the left in continuation of eczematous, exanthematous and “teigneuses” (tinea-like but that is inapprorpiate as Alibert did not know the skin lesions were linked to a fungal infection)
- Today, this term (lichen) is used for skin conditions were papules are regrouped. Examples include lichen planus, lichen striatus, lichen nitidus…
Source of information: Harms M. Dermatologica Helvetica (The Swiss Journal of Dermatology and Venereology: www.dermatologicahelvetica.com
Original article: here