In successful cosmetic treatments, one needs to look like younger but not like a different person (Renee Zellweger, Tom Cruise, Pamely Anderson) (The Benjamin Button Effect)
Start non invasive therapy early: (there is no age as for example there is no need for botox if no expression wrinkles are present etc…)
-no smoking
-sun protection
-avoid excessive weight changes
-light peels / mini fractionated lasers
Mirror effect: oneself sees flaws but not necessarily what others see. For example if a patient complains about brown spots but has wrinkles, treatment providers should not necessarily talk about the wrinkles.
How to evaluate a patient: make him/her stand in front of a 3-way mirror and stand behind him/her. Listen to his complaints, explain changes, but again do not necessarily suggest corrections, especially if the patient doesn’t bring out the defects
Factors to take into account when deciding a treatment ?
–Segmental treatment vs full face = treat the lips, the eyes vs the whole face= the goal is to make the patient keep a natural look. Sometimes a defect is more prominent (such as the lips) and correcting it can be enough.
Face shapes
These observations are cross-cultural and independent of race
1.Inverted Triangle:
-when we are young the the main facial features fit into an inverted triangle: eyes, chin, malar contouring, chin
-with aging the face structures “fall” and the constituents of the face pass through the 2 lower edges of the inverted triangle = it becomes an irregular pentagon
2.Face shape subtypes in females:
-upside down egg
3.face shape subtypes in males:
“rectangular” = rhomboid/angular
Treatment considerations
-try to respect the inverted triangle concept
-remember that nature has made the face asymmetrical: each sides of the face are siblings, not twins
Bibliography: S007 – Waltdorf, The ‘Benjamin Button’ effect: recognizable rejuvenation – Aging Gracefully. AAD 2016 – Washington DC, United States USA