- Palmoplantar psoriasis presents as sterile pustules with hyperkeratosis, erythema, scaling and fissuring on the palms and soles
- Treatment is challenging. topicals don’t really work and acitretin is not always effective.
- prospective study
- 9 patients, mean age 48 years old
- ustekinumab administered subcutaneously at weeks 0,4 and then every 12 weeks
- evaluation with PPPASI (Palmo-Pustular PASI), PASI and DLQI
- complete response in 2 patients after 24 weeks
- PPPASI 75 in 4 patients
- on average PPPASI was reduced by 56.5% and there were no treatment failures
Comment: although no severe reactions were noted, it would be useful to conduct a larger study to measure this as well as validate further the results.
Source of information: p336 Successful treatment of palmoplantar pustular psoriasis with ustekinumab. Buder V et al. EADV Annual Meeting (2014), Amsterdam The Netherlands
Source of information: here