–Aging can be divided into intrinsic aging and external aging which is due to the environment. Ultraviolet light is the biggest contributor (intrinsic aging is genetic). In contrast to essentially fine wrinkles seen in intrinsic aging, photoaging is characterized by coarse wrinkling and poikiloderma (hypopigmentation, hyperpigmentation, telangiectasias and atrophy)
-The authors from Wongju, South Korea sought to examine whether daily moisturizers can affect the photo aging process over a long period.
They investigated the effects of long term repeated exposure to suberythemal ultraviolet radiation (UV).
-4 groups of hairless mice: use of moisturizer and or UV or not
-Transepidermal Water Loss (TEWL) and hydration of the Stratum Corneum (SC) were measured every 6 weeks
After 18 weeks measurement of the following were done:
-epidermal thickness
-dermal thickness
-density of dermal fibrous components measured on skin biopsies
-some were then immunohistochemistry filaggrin ceramide synthase 3, mRNA levels of MMP-1 and type 1 procollagen
At 18 weeks:
1. results were similar in the 2 groups were similar to control group (“UV + moisturizer” and “no UV + no moisturizer”)
2. Measurement of changes in UV groups
-filaggrin expression was increased in all UV-irradiated groups but was highest in the moisturizer (comparing to non UV irradiated samples)
-in moisturizer groups when comparing to the moisturizer+UV groups, down regulation of mRNA of type 1 pro collagen and up regulation of MMP13 were observed.
Conclusion: moisturizers can delay photo aging when applied before UV irradiation in addition to preserving barrier function.
P05-25 Protective Effect of Moisturizers on Photoaging. Seung PH et al. Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology 2016 – Sendai. Japan