Psoriasis and sport: a new ally? Balato N. et al. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2015 Mar;29(3):515-20. doi: 10.1111/jdv.12607. Epub 2014 Jul 30.
-Exercising by doing sports and recreational activities is beneficial in the prevention of cardiovascular conditions and metabolic diseases (high cholesterol diabetes, obesity).
-Psoriasis is a known risk factor for Cardiovascular diseases and Metabolic syndrome.
-In this study patients were assessed through questionnaires and a physical examination
-416 consecutive subjects practicing sports were matched with 489 sex and aged controls (non sportive)
–Psoriasis was 3 times more frequent in controls than sportive subjects (5.4% (n=27) vs 1.7% (p less than 0.01) (family history of psoriasis was similar in both groups)
–Psoriasis sufferers exercising were 2 times fewer than normal controls (11% (n=44) vs 21.3% (n=106) (p less than 0.001)
-Of those who had psoriasis more than 75% (34/44) said that exercise had a positive effect on the natural course of the disease (the remaining 11 didn’t)
-Almost a quarter (23.75%, n=25) of psoriasis patients who exercised before the onset of the disease reported that the disease was an obstacle to continue.
-Regular physical activity can lower the risk of getting psoriasis and alleviate the severity of the condition.
-It could act positively on psoriasis, its associated metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular factors.
The exact mechanism is unknown and it would be interesting to correlate metabolic figures with the PASI score, DLQI and other objective measurement methods.
A prospective study is needed.
Article selection: Prof Dr Jean-Hilaire Saurat – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland