Maximilien de Robespierre (1758-1794), an attorney, was a essential figure during the French Revolution. With Danton, he put into place the government during and right after the French Revolution and developed the Bill of Human Rights (Droits de l’homme et du citoyen)
Because of his idealistic, intransigent attitude he was for a short period a dictator in a time called “La Terreur”. After executing any of his opponents (Danton was one of them; he was viewed as too conservative and was opposed in fact to the execution of King Louis XVI and the queen Marie Antoinette), he too had his head cut off with a guillotine.
He is mostly portrayed in a positive way but from death mask done on his face, his appearance was recently analyzed and shows extensive scars on the face suggestive of smallpox which he probably had as a child.
Although most probably unrelated to his skin condition he probably had psychological problems explaining his erratic and aggressive behavior. He grew up without a father and was regularly harshly beaten. (abandoned then his mother died)