Aging begins already at birth because of the oxidative process (the only way to avoid it would be to sit in a dark room and to just drink water)
-Logically this should translate into sun protection for your baby immediately
-Other from that, no guidelines exist to address the question on how early one should start having cosmetic procedures
The average age when women start to think about getting a cosmetic treatment done is 34.1 years old and they come to see the doctor around 10 months later (Study by Merz)
How the face changes tissue-by-tissue
1.Changes in face contour (bone changes) = due to Bone resorption
–reduced osteons and osteocytes in face. (study done comparing a population before and after 35
decrease type 1 collagen and mineral nano crystallites, the main component of bone matrix
-At the same time, hormonal changes favor bone resorption: calcitonin, PTH (parathyroid hormone), vitamin, D3 and estrogen have a regulatory role. All are reduced except for PTH.
It all starts in the 20s and becomes visibly significant in the mid 30s
2.Muscle changes. It is theoretically thought that muscle becomes hypertrophic with age.
In reality, muscle changes are not age related but are related to differences between males and females, as well as correlated to BMI (Body Mass Index)
3.Volume loss occurs predominantly in some parts of the face (covered in other articles)
Ultrastructural changes
-the dermis becomes thinner
–collagen becomes hapahzardly arranged (reduction in collagen turnover of 1% every year)
–elastic fibers are damaged
–Doing preventive treatments allow the changes later to be less drastic
-Do not forget that the whole body also changes and that modifications for example of the face must be compared with aging hands.
Bibliography S007 – Fabi, How early is too early to start an anti-aging protocol? – Aging Gracefully. AAD 2016 – Washington DC, United States USA