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Diabetes Raises Skin Cancer Risk

Take Home Message: Diabetes (=Diabetes Mellitus, DM) shown here to be a risk factor for Skin Cancer development. In patients over 60, DM is associated with a higher risk of developing skin cancers particularly Keratinocytic Carcinomas (formerly called NMSC) (Study from Taiwan)...

Skin Problems in VIPs (Instagram)

George Bush and Actinic Keratosis (AK)  Jimmy Carter and Skin Cancer (Melanoma)  Cindy Crawford and Moles  Lady Diana and Rosacea  Indira Gandhi and Piebaldism Clint Eastwood and Sun Damage  Naglaa Fathi and Psoriasis  W.C. Fields and Rosacea  Gorbachev and Port-Wine Stain ...

Sunprotection and Cancer Screening in Liver Transplant Recipients…the Long Road Ahead

Skin tumors, whether benign (Seborrheic Keratosis), premalignant (Actinic Keratosis (AK)) or malignant (Melanoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC), Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC)) are more frequent following organ transplantation. This can be attributed to the immunosuppression induced...

Skin Checks are More Effective when Patients’ Preferences are taken into account

Introduction –Skin checks occupy a lot of the skin doctor’s time and should be performed on any patient – if possible. -This allows the dermatologist to know the skin of the patient – and to detect unsuspected sometimes malignant lesions (melanoma, skin...

Skin Cancer detection: Dermatologists “101” win against Teledermatology

Skin Cancer detection is made by performing regular skin checks in at risk population as well as in the general population: -Not only does Total Body Skin Examination (TBSE) allow the dermatologist to diagnose skin cancer, but also other systemic conditions. -TBSE is also...

Skin Cancer Prevention: treating Hypertension with the right drug appears to make a difference

High Blood Pressure (HBP, Hypertension) is the main “non-symptomatic” disease of our era. It is one of the cardiovascular risk factors which include among others diabetes, smoking and high cholesterol (dyslipidemia) Uncontrolled Hypertension increases the risk of...

Actinic Keratosis (AK) : how frequent is it ? (Swiss Study)

Actinic keratosis (AK) is a common intraepithelial dysplastic lesion preceding Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the skin (SCC). It is the result of chronic sun accumulation.   Who is affected ?
 (Risk factors) -men are affected more than females 
-old age
 -fair skin and latitude...

Risque de mélanome et consommation d’alcool (Pour les professionnels)

La consommation d’alcool est liée à des nombreux problèmes de peau (cliquer ici pour accéder au menu des manifestations cutanées liées à la consommation d’alcool). Toutefois, cette étude apport une nouvelle association: le mélanome.     Dans cette étude(rétrospective,...

Association du mélanome et du cancer thyroïdien papillaire (Pour les professionnels)

Cutaneous Melanoma associated with Papillary Thyroid Cancer. Claire KOH, Martin TW CHIO, Hazel H OON. National Skin Centre, Singapore « Le risque de développer un mélanome a été étudié avec un intérêt croissant en raison de taux de survie améliorés des patients atteints d...

Les Cancers de la Peau (y.c. les Kératoses Actiniques) et la Photoproection

Le sommaire ci-dessous est en anglais. Pour accéder aux articles en français, cliquer sur “(français)” à la fin de chaque titre.     Actinic Keratosis (AK) Actinic Keratosis in Japan (français)     Mechanisms of Sundamage Ultraviolet Damage: which layer do the...