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vitamin D

Traiter les cicatrices d’acné avec l’adapalene (dérivé de la vitamine A)

Les cicatrices d’acné sont fréquentes chez les patients acnéiques. Il s’agit d’une séquelle visible de l’acné actif et persiste toute la vie. Les traitements peuvent être coûteux et comprennent peelings chimiques et le laser CO2 fractionné. Cette étude mesure l’effet ...

Vitiligo: Some Vitamins Supplements Appear to be Useless

The serum levels of vitamin B12, folic acid and homocystein in patients with vitiligo Ghiasi et al Poster, EADV Annual Meeting 2015 – Copenhagen, Denmark     Why was this study done ? -Studies suggest and recommend the use of vitamin B12 and folates (see “In...

L-ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) ビタミンC

ビタミンCは抗酸化物質で、メラニンの色を黒色から明るい色に変えると言われています。 一般的なしみ、そばかす、また妊娠中に出来やすいしみの治療にも用いられます。 酸化されやすいため、不安定な物質です。     参 考文献: Katsambas A (Conflcits of Interest: Abbott, Janssen-Cilag, Leo Pharma, Merck, Schering-Plough). Melasma: Pathogenesis and Treatment. 70th Annual Meeting of the...

Acide ascorbique (Vitamine C) (L-ascorbic acid)

Est un antioxydant Il est utilisé dans le traitement de troubles de la pigmentation dont le mélasma (chloasma) (masque de grossesse) Change la couleur de la mélanine de brun foncé à beige clair Instable car rapidement oxydé     Bibliographie: Katsambas A (Confl...

Triple Combination Creams in Melasma (Steroid – Vitamin A – Hydroquinone) Don’t Always Work

Triple Combination Creams (Triluma) In Melasma (Hydroquinone, Fluocinolone, Tretinoin) Don’t Always Work. Triple combination creams are considered to be the gold standard in the treatment of melasma (chloasma, pregnancy mask). As a general rule, topical treatments work best when...

Treating Acne Scars with Adapalene (vitamine A derivative)

Acne scarring is a common complaint in acne patients. This is a visible sequlae of active acne and persists for a lifetime. Treatments can be costly and include chemical peels and fractionated CO2 laser therapy. This study measures the effect of adapalene in the treatment of acne...

Acne and Vitamin Supplements: the case of Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 modulates the transcriptome of the skin microbiota in acne pathogenesis. Kang D, Shi B, Erfe MC, Craft N, Li H. Sci Transl Med. 2015 Jun 24;7(293):293ra103. doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aab2009. In the us in 2007, 23 billion were spent on vitamins and mineral supplements...

Therapy with Oral Acitretin (a vitamin A derivative)

Acitretin: is a metabolite of etretinate is FDA-approved for use in psoriasis is less lipophilic than the former and fat storage (half life 120 days): It is highly highly toxic to embryos during pregnancies (teratogenic) and contraception in women must be used for at least 2...

L-ascorbic acid (Vitamin C)

Is an antioxidant Is used in the treatment of disorders of pigmentation including melasma (chloasma) (pregnancy mask) Alters the color of melanin from jet black to light tan Unstable as quickly oxidized     Bibliography: Katsambas A (Conflicts of Interest: Abbott,...

Health Problems in Psoriasis (Comorbidities)

-In the US comorbidities in Psoriasis cost 4920 USD per patient per year. For the whole US psoriasis population, this amounts to 36.4 billion USD -This represents up to a third of psoriasis health cost (27-33%) Health problems associated with Psoriasis. -It is known that...