- Adenoma Sebaceum in Tuberous Sclerosis: A misnomer !
- The effects of the Atomic Bomb on the Skin
- Auspitz Sign in Psoriasis – who named it ?
- Birt-Hogg-Dubé
- Blaschko lines: who was Dr Blaschko ?
- Incontinentia Pigmenti or Bloch-Sulzberger syndrome: who was Bloch ?
- Squamous Cell carcinoma in Situ: who was Bowen ?
- Bubo (inflammed lymph node): remembering the plague
- Confluent and Reticulate Papillomatosis: Who described it ?
- Donovanosis – the other name for Granuloma Inguinale
- Kaposi‘s sarcoma: remembering the condition existed before HIV
- Keratosis follicularis: who was Darier ?
- Degos Disease (Atrophic Malignant Papulosis): who was he ?
- Ehlers-Danlos syndrome: more complicated than imagined
- Favus: a fungal affection which disappeared ?
- Fox-Fordyce disease: do not mix it up with Fordyce ONLY !
- Blenorrhea or Gonorrhea ?
- Gorlin and Goltz: 2 names together for 2 syndromes
- Acrodermatitis Continua Suppurativa of Hallopeau: Who was Hallopeau ?
- Leprosy: why it is called Hansen‘s disease
- What did Dr Hutchinson describe ?
- Koebner isomorphic phenomenon: the story behind the name
- Pustular Psoriasis: Who was Kogoj ?
- Leukotrichia: what the word means
- Lichen: from the botanical garden to dermatology
- Mentorship in dermatology – the pioneers
- MOHS surgery: an abbreviation of what ?
- Nevus spilus: why use such a term ?
- Localized non-scarring alopecia: What is Ophiasis ?
- Pachyderma: what does it mean ?
- Papules, pustules, vesicles..where does this come from ?
- Pellagra: how did it come to stand for clinical changes of vitamin deficiency ?
- Piebaldism: rare but all dermatologists have heard this strange term during residency
- Terminology: Piezogenic Pedal Papules
- Pityriasis Rosea: Who named it ?
- Pompholyx or Dysidrosis ?
- Porrigo : have you heard this (If not it’s normal !)
- Pretibial Myxedema / Pretibial Mucinosis: where do the words come from ?
- Angioedema or Quincke‘s Oedema
- Rosacea (Rhinophyma) visible in Renaissance Paintings (15th century)
- Sarcoma, Sarcoidosis: the story behind the name
- Scabies: show me the mite !
- Topical steroids in dermatology: the story behind it
- Syphilis – How was the cause found ?
- Syringoma: once you recognize the lesion, how do you remember to put the correct name ?
- Tinea Amiantacea: a less confusing term when put in a historical context
- Warts and Molluscum Contagiosum: How they were shown to be NOT bacterial in origin
- Why did people Wear Wigs ?