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alopecia areata

Alopecia in a few words

-This is a medical term to describe hair fall. It can be diffuse and non-scarring when there is an infectious disease, emotional stress and following some treatments (chemotherapy)…But the most common cause is common balding, especially in men (It was previously sometimes called...

Localized non-scarring alopecia: What is Ophiasis ?

The Greek word of origin is: οφις = ophis = snake     This term is used when alopecia areata affects the occipital and parietal areas of the scalp. When the alopecic plaques are horizontal, and that they merge together, they appear as a sinuous line which reminds us of...

Hair loss (alopecia)

Why do we lose hairs ? Normal hair grows in cycles and goes through 3 stages: A growing phase (anagen) A resting phase (catagen) A falling phase  (telogen) At any time, it may be normal for a person to lose as many as 50 hairs a day and these usually show up on a comb or brush or...

Caduta dei capelli (alopecia)

La caduta dei capelli (alopecia) è una lamentela frequente tra gli uomini e le donne ed è una causa di disagio notevole.   Al momento di esaminare i capelli, è importante determinare se: la perdita dei capelli è localizzata o diffusa se vi è un processo cicatriziale se sono...

Hair fall (Alopecia, Hair loss)

Hair fall (alopecia, hair loss) is a common complaint in men and in women and is a common cause of distress.   When examining hair, it is to determine whether hair loss is localized or diffuse whether scarring is present or not whether are skin changes in the hair, the face,...

Dermatology in a few words

Acne Alopecia  Alopecia Areata  Blotchiness (Early Rosacea) Eczema (Dermatitis) Eschar (Pressure Ulcer) Herpes Impetigo Itch (Pruritus)  Keloid Lichen Planus Lupus Erythematosus  Melanoma  Nevus (Mole, Naevus)  Psoriasis  Tattoo Shingles Urticaria (hives) Vitiligo   -Viewed...

Skin, Mind and Soul: Contents

Dermatology: Strengths and Limits The Roots of Dermatology and A New Approach in Managing Skin Conditions Resistant to Conventional Treatment “My Skin Condition worsens when I am under Stress.”: the Brain influences the Skin as well as the opposite Trends: Medical...

Micheline: a fragile Glass (Chapter 3; Case Study)

Micheline is a 61 year old woman with Alopecia Areata affecting all the hairs on the head and body (Alopecia Universalis) -The condition began 12 years earlier. –Topical treatments prescribed by several dermatologists have all failed. –Double Management will be used...

Clementine: looking at her drawings (Chapter 3; Case Study)

-This short chapter shows drawings done by a 9 year old girl, whose alopecia areata affecting the whole scalp (alopecia totalis) began at the age of 3. -The pictures are interpreted and drawings will show the evolution of her psyche over a year. 6 months after, her hair will grow...