- Le sommaire ci-dessous est en anglais.
- Pour accéder aux articles en français, cliquer sur “(français)” à la fin de chaque titre.
1 – Epidemiology
- Dermatology in Asians (français)
- Acne in Individuals with Colored Skin (français)
- Differences in Females Between Teenagers and Adults (français)
- Skin Problems according to Gender (français)
- About acne in adult females (français)
- Dermatology from The Movie Theatre (français)
- Prevalence of Skin Disorders in the Population
- Acne Scars in James Bond Movies (français)
- Some skin problems in Teenagers
2 – Clinical Features
3 – Pathophysiology
- Dioxin And The Skin (MADISH) (français)
- Studying Postinflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH) on human skin (français)
- The role of “Propionibacterium Acnes”
- Understanding through Research (français)
- SAPHO Syndrome: A « Case Report » (français)
- Acne and Vitamin Supplements: the case of Vitamin B12
4 – Treatment
- Acne Excoriee: Treatment of a psychological disease (français)
- Acne Treatment in Adults: is it done properly ?
- Cannabis as a treatment ?
- Childhood Acne
- Female adults
- Combine isotretinoin with an antihistamine to enhance results and reduce side-effects
- Isotretinoin (side effects)
- PDT (Photodynamic Therapy) on Asian Skin (français)
- Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH)
- Acne Scars (General Management) (français)
Hidradentitis Suppurativa (“Acne Inversa”, Verneuil’s disease)
Rosacea (“Acne Rosacea”)
1 – Features
- Rosacea in individuals with skin of color (français)
- Pregnancy: Acne, Rosacea and Hair Changes (français)
- Worsening with time ? (français)
2 – Pathophysiology
- Protective effects of Canthelicidins and the importance of the Skin Barrier (and treatment tips) (français)
3 – Treatment